Trout or salmon?

There is real interest in ‘the return’ of salmonids to the Sid – as the response to the sharing of a recent post on social media showed:

Sidmouth Community | We’d all like to see the Sid become more fish-friendly… | Facebook

Sid Valley Biodiversity Group | We’d all like to see the Sid become more fish-friendly… | Facebook

Here’s the original piece:

The past, present and future of trout on the Sid – The Sid

A correspondent kindly notes the basic difference between salmon and trout:

Unlike eels who travel to the Sargasso Sea, trout going to sea generally remain within 80km of their natal river – in contrast to salmon which travel much further to various sub-arctic feeding areas.

That is very helpful indeed – but it’s complicated!

The Complicated Tale of Salmon and Trout | Smithsonian Ocean

Fundamentally, though, as our correspondent says, it’s a matter of how far they migrate – with more from the Wild Trout Trust, who have been working with local groups on the Sid:

Trout Facts | Wild Trout Trust

And the Sid has both:

River Sid | Devon Rivers Forum


But we need to be doing more to help them:

‘Fish ladder needed to help river’s salmon and trout’ | Sidmouth Herald