The Sidmouth Biodiversity Festival – and the River Sid Catchment Plan Public Consultation – Thursday 6th to Saturday 8th June

There’s a full programme of events for this year’s biodiversity festival:

Family fun at Sidmouth Biodiversity Festival – Sid Valley Biodiversity Group

It kicks off tomorrow with a public consultation on the River Sid Catchment Plan:

River Sid Catchment Plan Public Consultation

Thursday Friday and Saturday, 6,7,8 June 2024

Time: Drop in between 10:00 and 16:00

Location: Methodist Church Foyer, High Street, Sidmouth

The River Sid Catchment Group was set up in 2023 to organise and progress improvements on the river Sid and its catchment. The group is part of the Sid Valley Biodiversity Group. To date there has been some significant investment into the river Sid catchment and there are plans for more in the future. Please come along and find out what is proposed and have your say on the improvements you would like to see.

The event is aimed at anyone who has an interest in the river, its ecology or flooding issues. There will be displays and information on the proposals and someone on hand to talk things through. There will also be opportunities to get involved with volunteering to help with improvement work on the river.

It should be an interesting event:

Sid River catchment – The Sid